Mr Tenzin Gyeltshen | Pride Bhutanย 

Tenzin Gyeltshen is Pride Bhutanโ€™s Executive Director and Founder: “Celebrating Diversity,” a pioneering agency established in 2015. Having been integral to Pride Bhutan’s journey since its inception, Tenzin has contributed in various roles, initially as a dedicated member and later becoming actively involved with the community. Appointed as Executive Director in 2019, Tenzin’s primary responsibility is to provide leadership and direction to Pride Bhutan, steering it towards its vision, mission, and purpose. This involves designing and implementing strategic initiatives and focus areas, ensuring alignment with national responses. Tenzin also plays a crucial role in engaging with national and regional stakeholders and partners, positioning Pride Bhutan as a critical contributor to HIV interventions nationally. Under Tenzin’s guidance, Pride Bhutan aims to evolve into a central agency promoting the wellbeing of SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, and sex characteristics) and KAP (key affected populations) communities in Bhutan, striving to foster an inclusive and enlightened society where these communities can thrive to their fullest potential.